How to re-send tracking to Order Source
Extensiv Integration Manager can retransmit previously sent tracking information to your shopping cart or marketplace if needed.
Step-by-step guide
- Find the order in the Integration Manager Orders tab. You can search by date and order number
- Click on the order to pull up the details
- From the Actions menu, select To Cart > Resend Tracking to Cart
- The next time the shipment interface runs, Integration Manager will attempt to resend this order to your cart.
If the Resend Tracking to Cart option is not available, it means Integration Manager has never sent tracking in the first place:
- Make sure the order is actually shipped and that the order shows tracking in the upper right
- Make sure your Merchant and Cart level Shipment services are enabled.
- If the order was very recently shipped, it may take some time before the tracking flows all the way back to the order source.
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