Select the file type you will be mapping (Order, Confirmation, or Inventory).
Click New Order File. You can come back here later and edit an existing format if needed. There will be another button displayed for editing.
If you have a sample file, choose it on the left and click Upload. If not, click Manually Set Up CSV Format on the right.
You must next define the delimiter in the file (eg: comma), if the file will have a header row, and whether orders with multiple products will be listed Vertically (One item per line), or Horizontally (have additional products added at the end of the line). Double check these and make sure they are correct. An error here will cause your orders to be loaded incorrectly or could cause some records to be missed.
Next, for each column in the CSV file, you must select what type of data is there. Choose from the dropdown.
If your csv file is Vertical each row in your CSV file must have exactly 1 item and contain the same number of columns. A new line is required for each additional item on an order with the order number repeated.
If your csv file is Horizontal, all the item fields must be at the end of the file. Just add the fields for the first item and Integration Manager will automatically append additional items after it as needed if you receive an order with multiple items.
Additionally, you can add Constant Values to the file where needed. This lets you pass a value to your warehouse which is not actually in Integration Manager. Just select the constant_value in the Order Field dropdown and enter what data should be placed in it.
Extra/Custom fields from specific Order Sources can also be passed to the warehouse. Instructions are available here: CSV Mapping - Extra Fields