Extensiv 3PL Warehouse Manager Alerts

Extensiv 3PL Warehouse Manager Alerts


Alert HeaderMessageSolution
Error sending orders to Extensiv 3PL Warehouse Manager

Could not create sales order for 90705

3PL Warehouse Manager error message: Server was unable to process request. ---> Duplicate Reference Numbers found: 90705

This alert means 3PL Warehouse Manager already has an order with the same Order # so CartRover's attempt to send the order failed. The reasons for this could be:

  1. CartRover already sent the order and it is being re-sent.

  2. CartRover tried to send an order and 3PL Warehouse Manager errored, but when we tried again they said it already existed.

  3. Another order was created in 3PL Warehouse Manager some other way with the same order #. (E.g. Manually or through a different interface.)

Please check the 3PL Warehouse Manager system to verify the order exists and if so you can dismiss this error. 


Alert HeaderMessageSolution
Error sending orders to 3PL Warehouse Manager

Could not create sales order for 90709

3PL Warehouse Manager error message: Server was unable to process request. ---> Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Please contact 3PL Warehouse Manager support with the failing order number to have them review the order.


Alert HeaderMessageSolution
Error sending orders to 3PL Warehouse ManagerCould not create sales order for 2829
3PL Warehouse Manager error message: Server was unable to process request. ---> The following sku is not in the item list: HKU9375
This alert means that the SKU sent from the shopping cart does not match a SKU in 3PL Warehouse Manager. Please add the SKU to your 3PL Warehouse Manager system. Once the SKU has been added, the order will deliver to 3PL Warehouse Manager during the next scheduled Order Delivery. 


Alert HeaderMessageSolution
Error sending orders to 3PL Warehouse Manager

ERROR: HTTP Status: 500, API response message: Improper response from 3PL Warehouse Manager:

An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details. : Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. : The wait operation timed out : 

at WMS.V2.Order.Controllers.OrdersController.GetList(Int32 pgsiz, Int32 pgnum, String rql, String sort, OrderChildren detail, OrderItemChildren itemdetail, Nullable`1 markforlistid, String skulist, String skucontains) in c:\Live\RC\WMS\V2\WebApis\Orders\Controllers\OrdersController.cs:line 146

This alert means that Order Delivery timed out and did not complete. This alert will resolve itself during the next scheduled Order Delivery. If it does not, please enter a support ticket. 


Alert HeaderMessageSolution
Missing Merchant 3PL Warehouse Manager SetupCannot retrieve facility ID from 3PL. Please make sure "A2Z Fulfillment" is the exact same name as one of your facilitiesPlease verify your 3PL Warehouse Manager credential "3PL Facility/Warehouse Name". See 3PL Warehouse Manager setup guide.


Alert HeaderMessageSolution
Login to 3PL Warehouse Manager Failed

Could not acquire API Token from 3PL Warehouse Manager. Status code was 0. Please contact support if this issue persists.

TCP connection reset by peer.

This alert should resolve itself during the next sync. If it persists, please contact CartRover support
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